Painting Prices


Painting Prices by R and R Painting NC LLC


Are you wondering how much painting services will cost? At R and R Painting NC LLC, we assess the job before quoting a price. We do this because we believe every job is unique. We treat every painting or staining job as our own home and take great pride in our work while giving our customers value for money. While you might be able to find cheaper service, we know you won't find any with higher quality at R and R Painting NC LLC’s painting prices.


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(704) 826-3314


R and R Painting NC LLC’s Pricing Process

Rather than giving our customers a list of set prices, we follow a stringent pricing process. We start by visiting you in person; at your home, office, or wherever the work will take place. We'll listen carefully to your requirements, and take time to assess your space and any issues that might complicate the job.

Once we're happy that we've considered all aspects, we'll provide you with a written estimate as soon as we have it, although we don't like to rush such an important job.

The quote you get is based on various factors, including the required timescale, the nature of the work, and the materials needed. Wherever possible, we'll try to work within the confines of your budget, but we'll always be honest and upfront with prices.

You can be sure of one thing: R and R Painting NC LLC always completes work on time and within budget.


The Best Painting Value

Our experienced painting professionals are highly skilled and conscientious. Over the years, we've completed about every imaginable type of painting project, so there's no painting job we can't take on successfully.

While we don't claim to be the cheapest painting service, we believe we're the best. Our ethos is one of attention to detail and trust. We never cut corners to save time or money. Our reputation (and your home) is too important to us.

If you need painting professionals who guarantee a smooth, cost-effective, and high-quality job, call (704) 826-3314 for the best painting value in the area.

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(704) 826-3314

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